Pingdom reports in to let us know there are 2.1 Billion active Web users worldwide

Numbers can be a little mind-numbing some times, especially when it comes to anything to do with technology and the Internet. Facebook with its 800 million users, or pretty close to it, Twitter with its 225 million active users and that folks, is just scratching the surface.

So, just how many of us are there on the Internet anyway you ask.

Well according web traffic monitoring company Pingdom there were 2.1 billion active Internet users for the year 2011. This is up from the 360 million that were accounted for at the end of 2000 and it also means that 30 percent of the Earth’s population is active on the web.

Even though social media is a relatively new phenomena it has some pretty impressive numbers to go along with its youth. According to Pingdo:

  • 800+ million – Number of users on Facebook by the end of 2011.
  • 200 million – Number of users added to Facebook during 2011.
  • 350 million – Number of Facebook users that log in to the service using their mobile phone.
  • 225 million – Number of Twitter accounts.
  • 100 million – Number of active Twitter users in 2011.
  • 18.1 million – People following Lady Gaga. Twitter’s most popular user.
  • 250 million – Number of tweets per day (October 2011).
  • 1 – #egypt was the number one hashtag on Twitter.
  • 8,868 – Number of tweets per second in August for the MTV Video Music Awards.
  • $50,000 – The amount raised for charity by the most retweeted tweet of 2011.
  • 39 million – The number of Tumblr blogs by the end of 2011.
  • 70 million – Total number of WordPress blogs by the end of 2011.
  • 1 billion – The number of messages sent with WhatsApp during one day (October 2011).
  • 2.6 billion – Worldwide IM accounts.
  • 2.4 billion – Social networking accounts worldwide.

Of course you can`t compile any web numbers without looking at the impact that video has had on the Web:

  • 1 trillion – The number of video playbacks on YouTube.
  • 140 – The number of YouTube video playbacks per person on Earth.
  • 48 hours – The amount of video uploaded to YouTube every minute.
  • 1 – The most viewed video on YouTube during 2011 was Rebecka Black’s “Friday.”
  • 82.5% – Percentage of the U.S. Internet audience that viewed video online.
  • 76.4% – YouTube’s share of the U.S. video website market (December 2011).
  • 4,189,214 –Number of new users on Vimeo.
  • 201.4 billion – Number of videos viewed online per month (October 2011).
  • 88.3 billion – Videos viewed per month on Google sites, incl. YouTube (October 2011).
  • 43% – Share of all worldwide video views delivered by Google sites, incl. YouTube.

One has to wonder in light of the incredible growth of mobile what kind of numbers we will see next year.

via Windows Observer

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